Don’t Be Surprised When Ben and Joel Stop Carrying the Sixers Shield

In a season full of long, tiring and frustrating days, the Sixers just had their biggest. They somehow didn’t even need to play a game. Yesterday was such a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day that Sixers fans should remember it for summers to come.   Each year now, the summer shape shifts the […]

By Aidan Powers | March 25, 2020

The Sixers Have a Michael Rubin Problem

You could see the Sixers dreadful, 31 point beatdown loss in Miami a mile away. The night before, pictures poured in of the whole crew enjoying the Super Bowl from Michael Rubin’s lavish box suite. Nothing wrong with a guys night out like that, we would all do the same given the opportunity to attend […]

By Aidan Powers | February 5, 2020