Report: Phillies Looking For Middle Rotation Starter Via Trade

Last season started with hope and belief for the young Phillies rotation. But, that hope and belief quickly turned just as the Phillies record and season turned. Struggles on the mound had fans once again calling for improvements to another struggling rotation. On Wednesday, the Phillies made their first move of the offseason. A move […]

By Brandon Sommermann | December 6, 2019

BREAKING NEWS: Joe Girardi Named 55th Manager In Phillies History

The 2009 World Series is still fresh in the minds of Phillies fans. A World Series that the Phillies were favorites to win and repeat their 2008 title. However, the Yankees and their new young up-and-coming manager, Joe Girardi, shocked the Phillies, and won the title in 6-games. Now, Joe Girardi, who Phillies fans know […]

By Brandon Sommermann | October 24, 2019

Bronx or Broad? Phillies Looking At Yankees Past Success For Help

Average… A number expressing the central or typical value in a set of data, in particular the mode, median, or (most commonly) the mean. Ring a bell? Average, mediocre, ordinary, indifferent, however you want to describe it, the Philadelphia Phillies have been just that over the past two seasons. However, could changes to the Philadelphia […]

By Brandon Sommermann | October 21, 2019