I F***ing Hate This Place.

Imagine this, a star player actually wanting to join a team that has been complete shit for the last two years. Knowing since December that you would need to clear cap space to make it work. Having an extra 1st round pick in 2024 that you could use to help entice a team taking on a heavy contract. Then the day comes when he is finally a free agent and what do you do as an organization?


Welcome to the current state of the Philadelphia F**king Flyers. After saying they didn’t think the team needed a full rebuild instead just an “Aggressive Retool” Chuck Fletcher has sat on his hands all day and done nothing. Johnny Gaudreau is sitting there texting his friends and family talking about signing with the Flyers and Fletcher managed to screw it up. That blank check that Dave Scott was supposed to write? Yea, still waiting on that at this point and Gaudreau would be the perfect guy to write that for.

Yes, ultimately the Flyers need to be in rebuild mode, but management preached to us this “Aggressive Retool” but now Fletcher wants to be a competent GM? Not being willing to part with a 2024 1st round pick in order to get a team to take on JVR after bringing in Torts and trading for Tony DeAngelo is mind blowing. Not to mention the fact that they bought out Oskar Lindblom in what is just a horrible look.

To make matters even worse they don’t even have to make the trade today. They could sign Johnny today and have until the season starts to shed the necessary cap space. Oh and also the cap is going up a lot in the next two years so you could also backload the contract to help you get through the next year or so. There are plenty of ways Fletcher could make this work and yet all signs are pointing to Johnny signing with either the Devils or Islanders. It is an absolute joke what this management group is doing.

Charlie sums it up perfectly here, you could’ve sold the fans on a rebuild but you didn’t. Instead here we are with no plan, no cap space, and absolutely nothing to be excited about going into the season. This once proud organization has turned into a complete dumpster fire with no end in sight. Flyers Twitter is normally a pretty toxic place where just about the entire fanbase disagrees on everything. Today, I have seen nothing but everyone agreeing with how bad of a state our team is currently in.

It is truly sad what Comcast, Dave Scott, Chuck Fletcher, and everyone else in charge has turned this organization into. Stop buying merchandise, stop going to games, stop watching. Maybe then Comcast will do the right thing and sell the team, fire Fletcher, and we can finally start an actual rebuild.

Until that happens we will forever be stuck in this stage of mediocrity. It’s also time for the media members to start calling the ownership group out on some of this bullshit. I don’t have the media access compared to others yet, but it’s time to start asking these guys the tough questions and stop settling for the bullshit answers we always get.

Something needs to change and it needs to happen now.

Literally as I was typing this, we became even more of a joke.

You can’t make this shit up anymore, they brought back 90 year old Justin Braun and a fourth line winger who’s know for his grit. I have never been this infuriated with an organization in my life. Deslauriers is going to be making $2 million a year for the next 4 years. Absolutely ridiculous that Fletcher still has a job and every time you think can’t get worse, he finds something else that makes it worse. I am LIVID, Chuck Fletcher can go F**k himself.

If you thought last season was bad, next season is going to be unimaginable. Sure it’d be cool to land Connor Bedard but we all know there’s no chance we’re bad enough to land the number 1 overall pick. We will forever be stuck in this same shitty situation we are in.

I Fucking hate this place.

Follow me on Twitter @Keith_Walsh18


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