NFL Officially Announces Schedule Release Day

The NFL is a well-oiled steamroller that won’t stop for anything, not even a damn pandemic! The draft didn’t just go off without a hitch; it was the most viewed draft of all time. So what does the NFL do, you think they were just going to rest on their laurels? Not a chance. There’s viewership to be had, ratings to conquer, a sports void to fill. We are onto our next big event in the NFL calendar: Schedule release day:



There is going to be a loud minority that opposes a schedule release for a season that isn’t guaranteed to start on time. But, there is nothing wrong with the NFL continuing to operate as if the season is going to begin on time. This multi-billion dollar machine of a league is going to have a plethora of contingency plans set up in case the original schedule doesn’t work. What’s wrong with giving the people something to look forward to?!


For me, schedule release day is up there as one of my favorite days of the year. As the leaks trickle in, you put together your favorite team’s schedule before the grand unveiling at night. This day coupled with the beginning of NBA Free Agency are two of the most exciting days of the sporting calendar without a sport ever having been played. The reason? Hope.

These are the type of days where you being to see how a season is going to unfold for your squad. The pieces are coming together; all that’s left is actually playing the games. For the NFL, you start to predict your schedule. You find the toughest stretches, star the primetime matchups, and start to envision the players recently drafted actually getting out there in these games. Now more than ever, with an NFL schedule, there is hope. Even if gets delayed and an October to February season is proposed, at least the games are laid out.


Can’t wait to see what time the Giants and Cowboys play each other Week 1!

By Aidan Powers | May 4, 2020