Sixers in the Midst of Three Game Losing Streak As Kendall Jenner Pops Back Up With Ben Simmons

There’s likely to be a ton of social justice warriors who clicked on this blog to defend Kendall Jenner. They’ll defend her because she doesn’t effect the outcome of a basketball game. And if her boyfriend “jUST sHOt a ThREe POiNteR”, the Sixers would be better off. Just shut the fuck up.

Look, here in Philly we don’t really care who the athletes date. Joel Embiid dates a model and Ben Simmons dates a Kardashian. Trust me, we don’t care about who they are. I saw a couple making out in front of a trash bag at the tailgate of the Bears game, that’s the only love stories we really care about.

It’s not the person that gets under our skin, it’s the context that bothers people. This story pops up when they are on a 3 game losing streak. They get blown out at the Pacers and Josh Richardson blasts the team in the media saying there needs to be more accountability in the locker room. The fans blast the team for looking disinterested in playing basketball, WHICH IS THEIR JOB. Then, Simmons dashes home after their third straight loss, a blowout, to galavant around town with Jenner for New Years Eve. That type of stuff just proves everyone’s point!

Sixers fans are in a constant war with the national media over this basketball team and it’s one of the most cutthroat I’ve ever seen. This week, we are losing the latest battle. They slept walked through Orlando. They choked against Miami. And why did they even show up in Indiana if that was the effort they were gonna give? But hey, at least they made it home in time for the New Years kiss at midnight.

We don’t care about players relationships, we really don’t. But we do care about winning. So when there’s a ton of losing going on, fingers start to get pointed. Since she’s around when negative outcomes are occurring on the court, it’s just the easiest target.

Hangout with whoever you want to hang out with. Date whoever you want to date. But when there’s more dating rumors than effort given in the basketball game, don’t be shocked with a ton of backlash.

By Aidan Powers | January 2, 2020