It’s Dallas Week!

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past couple of days, we all know what this week is.

It’s Dallas week.

It’s the Cowboys coming into our house in a 4:25 game with Aikman and Buck on the call with the division on the line.

Does it get any better than this?

The Cowboys have always, in my mind, been the Eagles most hated rival.  Sure we hate the Giants as well, but there is something about Dallas that rubs every Eagles fan the wrong way.  Maybe its their obnoxious owner who has ruined the team over the past 25 years but still thinks of himself as a football genius.  Maybe it’s the fans who act like entitled royalty even though they haven’t been relevant since 1995.  Maybe it’s just that stupid star on the side of their helmets.  For whatever your reason is, nothing feels much better than making that team and their fans suffer.

Cowboys fans may suffer short term but not long term with a loss Sunday. It seems that recently, most Eagles-Cowboys games in December always have something on the line.  To me (millennial), it started in 2008 with the 44-6 game.  Since then you have had a good amount of games where the winner either gets first place or straight up wins the division and this Sunday is just another chapter in this rivalry that hopefully will be fondly remembered for years to come.

So get excited. Get the tailgate ready.  Crack open some cold ones.  Turn on the TV…then mute it and put Merrill and Mike on the radio.  Because this Sunday is the season and Dallas is coming to town.  Let’s kick their ass.

In closing, i would like to leave on this amazing quote by the great Dick Vermeil:

“Never allow anyone to take you for granted. I get the feeling the Dallas Cowboys are taking us for granted right now. We’re here because we earned the right to be here. If the Dallas Cowboys are going to take us for granted, we’ll whip their ass.”

Fly Eagles Fly!


By Nick Mcaneney | December 22, 2019
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