Orlando Scandrick Went On Undisputed to Completely Rip the Eagles and Their Locker Room Apart

Orlando Scandrick appeared on FS1’s Undisputed today to do what any free agent looking for a job should do: rip his former team including the coaching staff and front office. That always works when you are unemployed!


Look, none of us have shied away from criticizing the Philadelphia Eagles this past week but let’s look at this way with Scandrick. Anybody who thinks Draya Michele would make a good mother for his child is probably not the best judger of character. Taking anything and everything that man says with a grain of salt.


Scandrick being upset because he feels he was “scapegoated” seems foolish. Despite the prolonged struggles of this secondary, no Eagles fan was pointing at Orlando Scandrick as the root of the cause of that problem. With injuries to Avonte Maddox, Ronald Darby, Cre’von Leblanc and Jalen Mills, Scandrick was there because he was able and willing. He was basically on the NFL’s version of an NBA 10-Day, you’re only useful until the REALLY useful people get back.


The discussion then pivots to the Super Bowl hangover. While as a collective as fans, we all think this team may be coasting off of past accomplishments, the way Scandrick presents it makes no sense. He states “a lot of these guys their first NFL experience was 13-3 and going to the Super Bowl. They don’t know how to deal with the failure”. Uh, this is the second oldest roster in the league. Actually, a lot of the failures they are presently dealing with, stem from the fact the fact this current group is too fucking old (also most of this group was here for the7-9 year in 2016?).


Next, he got into the “if there is smoke there is fire” point. And, I think we are all at that point. If there are THIS many negative reports coming out of that locker room, it can’t be sunshine and rainbows in there. It would be one thing if this disgruntled vet who got cut was the first one to speak up, but this is becoming a weekly thing. A negative headline sneaking out of the locker room has been the only consistent factor of the team this year. Anonymous sources are bull shit. It’s happened far too often. Grown men talking behind backs of their teammates is bull shit.


Then, Skip Bayless gets into the Nick Foles Shrine shtick. He throws much bait in the water he can to get Scandrick to bash Carson Wentz. I don’t really even understand Scandrick’s point about Dak vs. Wentz and facing adversity.



Last part of the interview… Malcolm Jenkins may need to fight Orlando Scandrick. He shades him for a minute straight. He questions his leadership, his character, even his production at his position.



After the past two weeks, the Eagles have his rock bottom. But, if they aren’t fired up after hearing THIS, there is no hope. If they don’t come out and play flat out nasty and angry football, any questions about their character are legitimate.



Also, Orlando Scandrick’s outfit fucking sucks. There was no place to put that in there but it needed to be said.


By Aidan Powers | October 25, 2019