Zach Brown Gets Cut to Send Message to Shut Up and Play Football Better

Zach Brown plays football for a living. Zach Brown was not playing good. Zach Brown got cut. Open and shut case.

The thing everybody is going to point to is his comments about Kirk Cousins and how it may have inspired Cousins to stop playing like hot garbage long enough to sling the ball up and down US Bank Stadium (it didn’t, the man said so himself). But, this feels like it has been on its way for a while now, and the comments may have been the last straw.

Honestly, I forgot Brown was on the Birds until about Week 2 or 3. And I was reminded of him because it felt like every time he appeared on TV, it was for not making a play or getting a flag. He had two key penalties in the Green Bay game and he only had 29 tackles and no other real stat on defense in 6 games. He’s still third in tackles, so had a semblance of a role, but not much. Not very appealing, especially considering the Eagles ALLEGEDLY chose him over him Jamie Collins who, if I’m not mistaken, is playing like a mad man up in New England where they don’t even let up touchdowns anymore.

All in all, a move that doesn’t make us any better but still needed to be done. Now it’s just fingers crossed that maybe Howie makes finally pulls the trigger on getting a defensive back.

By Fred Courduff | October 14, 2019