Ronald Darby Likely Out “A Few Games” for the Eagles…Yikes

Not great news out of the Eagles secondary, where there really hasn’t been any great news coming their way the entire season.


I know everyone will comment on this and slander Darby. We get it, you commented “addition by subtraction” and got three likes and you’re feeling yourself. Do you.



But there should be a much bigger concern here: this is yet another soft tissue injury.


Now, this is not uncommon for players coming back from ACL tears and injuries of that nature. After the ACL tear, it leads to complications with leg muscles and tendons due to overcompensation, stress and sometimes they even TAKE part of the hamstring to rebuild the ACL (which is obviously not good for the hamstring itself).


You guys have seen Ronald Darby play football, you know he is not this bad at it. Opposing teams are making a conceited effort to throw at him as much as possible, it’s just not something that ever occurred at this rate in the past. His knee may have been healthy in the sense his ACL is repaired and he is through physical therapy, but he is not conditioned. Darby was running how you run in your dreams when a monster is chasing you and your conscious just won’t let you run faster and escape. The only thing that was going to pull Darby out of that phase was game repetition. Now, with him sidelined “several weeks” with the hamstring injury, who knows if he ever gets in game-ready condition this year.


On the bright side, it seemed like Rasul Douglas had a pretty good game. And by a pretty good game I mean, he didn’t make himself look like a total dumbass like everyone else.


Plus, you know what they say: if there was ever a quarterback you wanted to play on the road during a short week with young corners, it’s Aaron Rodgers. Right?!

By Aidan Powers | September 23, 2019
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