Andrew McCutchen Is Officially Hurt and It Sucks SO Bad

Cutch got caught in a run down Monday night against the Padres and he grabbed his knee after being tagged out. The video is weird. He may have twisted it at the end or when he turned around. The non-contact ones are always the worst.

Today, the worst-case scenario for the Phillies occurred when they found out that on the play, McCutchen  tore his ACL. Losing Cutch for the rest of this season is the type of blow that this team may not be able to recover from. Not only has he been slashing a great line (.256/.378/.457) with 10 home runs and 42 walks, his defense and versatility are going to be extremely hard to replace. With Herrera basically out indefinitely (probably forever) and no McCutchen, the outfield went from consistent to unpredictable.

People on twitter are trying to place blame for what happened but that’s stupid.

I don’t even understand how any of these three people could be blamed for this. Ian Kinsler let the ball drop to turn the double play. It was the smart move. It’s just bad luck. It’s all the Phils have had on this road trip.

Sports twitter just needed something to get mad about this week.

When he tweeted this… I knew shit was careening towards the fan.

That put a lump in my throat. Cutch is too important to this lineup to be hurt for an extended period of time.

You really don’t have to dig deep into the metrics to find his value. It’s right there in his .378 OBP which you love to see in your leadoff batter. The ultimate table setter.

He also has a .78 BB/K ratio, a 16.4% walk rate, and a .299 BABIP.

That’s the “stupid money” paying off.

They were willing to pay for the consistency, durability, and veteran presence which were all paying off until this stroke of bad luck. It happened with Robertson too. It just sucks sometimes.

The Phils called up Adam Haseley and just traded for Jay Bruce to fill in in the OF. This will be a good time to see what Haseley has, finally, and Bruce to contribute some power but expect to see a lot of Scott Kingery in CF and most likely some platoon of Sean Rodriguez, Haseley, and Bruce in left.

By: Vince Scian and Mike Chisdock

By Vince Scian | June 4, 2019