Odubel Herrera Arrested On Domestic Violence Charge Out in Atlantic City

Jim Salisbury is reporting that last night in Atlantic City, Odubel Herrera was arrested on a domestic violence charge involving his 20-year-old girlfriend. The police report of the alleged incident states that his girlfriend “had visible signs of injury to her arms and neck that was sustained after being assaulted by her boyfriend, David Odubel Herrera, during a dispute.” This certainly is not a good look for Odubel and a full police investigation is needed before anything is determined.

This year overall for Odubel has been a dud. During every movie about a celebrity or athlete, there’s always a lead up to the crash and burn. Well, he is batting an abysmal .222 and his OPS is .629 so far. There’s your lead up. Last night, if proven true in court, is your crash. It felt like the end of the line was coming for Herrera, but never did I think it would be like this. 

Odubel has always been a streaky hitter but this season it looks like he has fully regressed and he even began losing playing time to Scott Kingery, a career infielder. Scotty deserves more playing time, he was getting it. Now, he will almost certainly be getting all of it until the Phillies and Odubel figure this thing out. Wouldn’t be entirely shocked to see the Phils bring up Shane Robinson if Odubel is swiftly suspended for this incident. 

Herrera’s lack of hustle, bone-headed defensive mistakes, running miscues and now an inability to put the ball in play have surely made his outlook with the team murky. This news from last night, if true, is most likely the final straw in Odubel’s tenure with the Phillies. Over the weekend, El Torito may have very well played in his final game of his professional baseball career.

By: Mike Chisdock

By Aidan Powers | May 28, 2019