UCLA Offered to DOUBLE Jay Wright’s Salary and he Told Them to Shove it

Man does it feel good to finally get a win over the city of Los Angeles. UCLA had a brinks truck ready to cross the country and back up to Jay Wright’s home on the mainline. Wright had the opportunity to become the second highest paid coach in the league. The only other coach ahead of him would have been the legendary Coach K at Duke. Jays response, “nah I’m good”.

UCLA eventually decided to hire former Cincinnati Bearcats coach Mick Cronin after calling numerous blue blood programs. Cronin will make 4 million annually which is about 200 thousand more than Wright currently. A salary of that much is absurd since Cronin has never been farther than the sweet 16 with even more recent history of plane rides home after the first weekend. Villanova will slide in before the season starts and show some appreciation to the coach with two rings and multiple Big East titles.

Jay wants to win at Villanova. No coach would leave nearly four million on the table without having confidence to win another trophy. Nova will bring in its best class of freshmen possibly ever next year. Two five star recruits in PF Jeremiah Robinson-Earl and SG Bryan Antoine join another two four star recruits and veteran leader Collin Gillespie. Even though the Wildcats lost three players to transfer it is very possible they can make a tournament run.

Once again a Jon Rothstein quote rings true. Villanova continues to operate as a Fortune 500 company.


By Kyle Jones | May 3, 2019