Should a Worried Brett Brown Worry Us Too?

The Sixers start their playoff run tomorrow!! All these trades, all these moves, the entirety of The Process was for THIS MOMENT. Let’s get excited! 

This is like if a pilot told you the flight was going to hit extreme turbulence and he wasn’t sure if the plane was going to land safely.

I’ve seen teams underestimate their opponent plenty of times. I’ll never forget Andrew Wiggins laughing at the podium about playing Stanford. I’m sure you can guess what happened next. But, this may be the first time I’ve seen a coach overestimate an opponent. Brett sounded like he was analyzing a matchup with the Warriors.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not taking the Nets lightly. In fact, I’ve been pretty nervous about this frisky team for a while now. The Sixers playing the Nets in the first round is like the final project in school that was due at the end of the year that you’ve been putting off doing…and now it’s the end of the year and it’s due. 

These two teams split the regular season series and it took a 16 point comeback in less than 5 (game) minutes for the Sixers to steal one of their victories. This is not a cake walk. This isn’t Alabama playing The Citadel in early September. If Brett Brown is worried, I guess I am too. But, this is why these trees went down. Jimmy Butler is here strictly to alleviate playoff related worry. 

By Aidan Powers | April 12, 2019