Last Night Was My Favorite Harper Moment to Date

For all 17 of you that made it through the (freezing) April showers at the Phillies game Friday night, you saw another fantastic Bryce Harper moment. Yeah, the mammoth home runs are awesome but this was special in a different way.

Bottom of the 7th, bases are loaded, Rhys Hoskins rips a single into left field. One runner scores, two runners score…and Bryce Harper is BUSTING HIS ASS to score all the way from first. 

Bryce Harper is a future hall of famer fresh off a $330 million contact playing in game 6 of the season in near monsoon like conditions. He’s sliding head first into home during a game where the lead is already 9-4.

Philly loves talent, but even more so they love heart. For God sake, sometimes we are ready to replace William Penn on City Hall with TJ McConnell just because of his scrappy effort level. Bryce has the talent to hit bombs that suck the soul out of DC. But last night, him scoring from first on a routine single shows me just how truly fortunate we are to have landed this guy. He’s a culture changer. 

By Aidan Powers | April 6, 2019