Who Cares: Why the Booing Bryce Harper Debate Shouldn’t Bother Us

We are precisely one game down in the 2019 Phillies season and it went about as well as it could go. I am ready to end the season on top because that 10 run debut was perfect. 

Well, almost perfect. The national media is at it again.


Honestly, I didn’t even know people still watches First Take.  Every barber shop I’ve ever been to has AT LEAST two guys shouting misinformed Sports takes. Not sure why I would need that type of content with commercial interruptions. But, topics like the sarcastic booing of Bryce Harper are what they prey on. It sure isn’t the first time Philly sports have fallen victim to the talking head agenda. 

This is just the latest edition in the “No one likes us, we don’t care” documentary. The national media is trying to Pretty Woman is.

I’ve never seen the movie and have only seen The Office version with Dwight, so this analogy may go off the rails. 

The main character is a sex worker, so she’s considered lower class. For a long period of time, our sports teams were considered lower class. The Phillies have the most losses in MLB history. The Sixers tanked for a little over three years, or a decade depending on if you leave it up to an ESPN hack. And the Eagles, people are still scrambling to come up with a new joke instead of “zero Super Bowl rings”. 

We weren’t exactly the epitome of success. We weren’t elitist or high class.

But, then, Julia Roberts started making some upper class money, shopping in expensive stores. Top of the line shit. But, because for so long she was considered lower class due to her profession, the workers at the store looked down upon her.

We Philly fans and all our recent success are getting looked down upon. The rest of the nation hates the come up we’re on. They hate that all the jokes they made about Philly being scumbags don’t play anymore. 

We’re Super Bowl champions, The Process worked, Bryce Harper is a Phillie. It makes their blood boil that this much good fortune could be cast down upon one of their old punching bags. 

The movie ends (I think) with Julia Roberts coming back to the store where the workers looked down upon her. She shows them up for refusing her service and walks out without buying anything. The ultimate “I’m too good for you anyways” move. 

That’s what we should do. We should turn up our noses at these national media pundits and misinformed fans trying to trash us. Sarcastically booing Bryce Harper was funny, it was a joke and we all know it. Even Bryce. Let’s stop letting these assholes who don’t follow our teams get under our skin. Because we are living our best days and we are a flourishing Julia Roberts. 

They want to Pretty Woman you. They want to look down on you and our city. Except lately, it’s been really hard to look down on us when they’ve spent so much time looking up at our teams in the standings. 

By Aidan Powers | March 30, 2019