The Saints Excuses Are Getting Out Of Hand

Last season, the Saints were on the wrong end of the Minneapolis Miracle. Resulting in their departure from the post-season. But, that didn’t stop them from complaining and saying we would have beaten the Eagles in the NFC Championship game.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You lose and you say this and that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever.


But, for the Saints fans to do this about a no-call pass interference penalty in the NFC Championship game on “A PLAY THAT MIGHT HAVE DECIDED THE GAME” is the greatest excuse of all-time.


Let me say that again. “A PLAY THAT MIGHT HAVE DECIDED THE GAME.” Just like how they were on the wrong side of a play “THAT MIGHT HAVE DECIDED THE GAME” last year in Minnesota and were on the right side of a play “THAT MIGHT HAVE DECIDED THE GAME” last week against the Eagles.


What Saints fans are implying is what they were calling the Eagles fans childish and excuse machines for just last week.


Eagles Fan – If Alshon makes that catch, the Eagles win.

Saints Fan – Yeah, sure.

Saints fans this week…


Saints Fan – If that pass interference call is made, Saints win.

Rams Fan – Yeah, sure.


It is truly funny how the world works. Just last week, all Saints fans were doing were blasting Eagles fans about a play “THAT MIGHT HAVE DECIDED THE GAME.” Ok, it is a game. Things happen. You move on. But, nope. The Saints fans cant handle it two years in a row being on the wrong side of a play “THAT MIGHT HAVE DECIDED THE GAME.”


What Saints fans aren’t realizing is this is why sports are sports. Sports are all about plays “THAT MIGHT HAVE DECIDED THE GAME.” Just look two weeks prior. Remember the double-doink?

So you are telling me, Will Lutz would have 100% made a field-goal if you got a 1st down? Or the Saints would have 100% scored a touchdown with a 1st down?


See, in sports, nothing is 100%. Nothing is guaranteed. The players and team have to earn it. There was probably 20 other plays in that game “THAT MIGHT HAVE DECIDED THE GAME.” But, since it was at the end and since the Saints allowed time left on the clock, the end result happened, right?


Stop complaining about the one thing “THAT MIGHT HAVE DECIDED THE GAME” at the end of the game when if you score on your first two possessions, the Rams have no chance there.


Excuses are excuses and this is the greatest excuse about a sports event known to man.

By Brandon Sommermann | January 22, 2019