This Quote From John Middleton Is All Of Us at the Bar Tonight
We members of the media (yes, I am included), love to take portions of quotes, and contort them into something that works for us. In an interview with USA Today, Phillies Owner John Middleton served me one up on a silver platter:
“We’re going into this expecting to spend money. And maybe even be a little bit stupid about it. We just prefer not to be completely stupid.”
Taken out of context, that quote is my mindset when the Uber pulls up to the pregame.
You know the feeling: you’re on the way to the bar and you’re toeing that fine line between feeling invincible and sleeping next to a dumpster outside Frankie Bradley’s. You get to the bar and instead of ordering an overpriced beer like a normal person, you order overpriced shots for everyone you pulled up with. It’s the best feeling in the world, even if the cable bill might not get paid that month.
Except, we’re spending $75-100 bucks and John Middleton is giving certain free agents $35 million per year. Regardless, on my scale, one of those $10 daiquiris at Fat Tuesday’s might as well be $35 million.
Spending big on Bryce Harper is like getting that one extra pitcher of Bud Light at Mcgillin’s, and then getting three more after that. Probably not the most efficient use of money, but the potential for one hell of a time is too invigorating to pass up.
If you thought that quote was for Bryce Harper, well it was. But, more importantly it was for everyone who’s woken up on a Sunday morning, checked their bank account, and felt their heart drop into their pelvis. We’ve all been there, and we will probably be back there tomorrow morning.