Chris Long: 2x Super Bowl Champion, Walter Payton Man of the Year, Buffalo Stan

The Eagles did have one shining moment in the Garbage Bowl that went down on Sunday night. Our own Chris Long won the Walter Payton Man of the Year Award for his game check donations and his foundation (donate here) that digs wells for villages all around the world. He also has been working on improving the eudcation system here in Philadelphia. Needless to say, Chris Long is a pretty fucking good guy.

Chris Long is by far my favorite Howie steal from last year’s team. He was a veteran with Super Bowl experience that just so happened to play for the other team. I would like to speak on behalf of Chris when I say he has juice for one more year. Please come back. Not only does he do good both at home and internationally, but he is a very open player.  His status as a reoccurring guest and favorite lib on PMT is enough to name a future son after.

When it comes to Twitter, Chris Long might be the best NFL player. He is the type of guy that reads the comments and will respond if he can make it funny. Recently he has publicly shamed former teammate Beau Allen to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.

Right after the Super Bowl, he was preaching about how people need to put some respect on the Buffalo as an animal.

He even goes the extra mile by using his blue check to troll teammates.

This is a great example of a human being. He is a man you can name your son after or combine his last name with Fletcher Cox’s last name for a funny dog name. If anyone tells you they dislike Chris Long, feel free to tell them that they are a trash person. I may have tickled his balls a little too much in here but he’s the OUR Man of the Year and he’s hilarious. So if you do retire Chris Long I would like to thank you, but if you don’t retire, we could use another parade.


By Kyle Jones | February 7, 2019